Welcome to the

"CLUELESS: Employee Edition"

3-Part Video Series


You can start to fix the "Clueless-ness" in your business with these three videos:

  • Clueless: Employees - Save payroll and be effective
  • Clueless Managers - Have fewer daily headaches
  • Clueless Recruiting - Build the team you need so you can work on your business instead of working in your business

Clueless. How many times have you thought to yourself, "These people are clueless!" when it comes to handling guests, getting work done, or just acting with common sense!

"CLUELESS:Employee Edition" is a FREE Education Series from Maize Quest, a premier attraction design company and expert in seasonal workforce management.

This series is a NEW, quick-action plan for successful delegating in your business.

This series is a compliment to Maize Quest's Seasonal Manager's Boot Camp, the #1 system for building your employees into a successful team.

Enjoy the series. I hope the Action Steps at the end of each video, give you a clue to help your team move from Clueless to Brilliant, and frees up your time to do the things that only you can do in your business!

-Hugh McPherson, author of "The 31-Day Workforce Turnaround" and Maize Quest's Mazemaster.

"CLUELESS: Employee Edition" FREE 3-Video Series from Maize Quest

Whether you are new to management, or have been managing a seasonal crew for years, developing a system is the key to success. Success in this case is defined as: optimizing your vision and employee workflow throughout your organization.

Think of it: Workers always know what to do, and YOU are not wasting YOUR time.

You can start to fix the Cluelessness in your business with these three videos:

  • Clueless: Employees - Save payroll and be effective
  • Clueless Managers - Have fewer daily headaches
  • Clueless Recruiting - Build the team you need so you can work on your business instead of working in your business

Don't hesitate. Start now! Watch our FREE "Clueless" video series. Or, if you already know you want to optimize your entire employee management system, you may purchase the Seasonal Managers Bootcamp Accelerator with INSTANT access below.

Already see the value in having a guide as you build your own, customized employee system? Ready to start the full program?

Just click below and use promo code: CLUELESS to receive $300 OFF Agritourism Manager Boot Camp.